Sunday, December 15, 2013

Il Migglior Fabbro

“Thee it behooves to take another road…If from this savage place thou wouldst escape”
-Virgil, Dante’s Inferno

“The depravity of man is at once the most empirically verifiable reality but at the same time the most intellectually resisted fact.”
-Malcolm Muggeridge

“Men deny Hell, but not, as yet, Hanwell.”
-G.K. Chesterton

Pound to Eliot
Are as you and I
For you have crafted longer
You have crafted swifter
You have felt the iron touch of term
The easy flow of phrase
I am not even skilled as Eliot, you may yet be greater
But Pound was wrong, and he grew sinister
Cynical, Satirical
His mind was left at the mercy of “empirical”
Doubting that which is good
Or if anything is...

Pound became a fool
(And you may yet)
But sincere

Walk the streets
Sit at lectures
Young man (though I am younger)
You are not Cohn
I fear it more
You need no Purple Land
I fear it more
You did not get it from Mencken
You did not get it from books

Birthed in your own
Spread like cancer
Oh, has it taken your blood?
Oh, will Hanwell take your heart?

Il Migglior Fabbro
See, what hath thou wrought?
For God hath not wrought it
Why do thou rot?
And do thou choose it?
Too close
Too close
Suicide of thought

‘Circles, what?’
‘What Circles?’

Il Migglior Fabbro
Will you be resurrected?
What beauty would bloom
If yet you would die
That you would be
Have the crying masses muted glory?
Ichabod is dead.
Never shall that word see fruition in the body
Joy has come
The glory rests on us,
But it does not depend
It will not end

I know not what to do with the masses
Or the raging of classes
I know not what to do with suicides, homicides
Abortions, starvation
But Joy has come
With it is compassion
…without it only obligation
And despite the poets
Men do little for duty
What have you done?
Love wins?
Nay, Love won.
It shall not be mutilated
Not by cheap wine
Un-intoxicating and sincere
Do not trust sincerity
It does not value justice
It does not care for truth.

And should you fatally ask
“What is truth?”
(Why does sincerity on its own always end in ambiguity?)
I will point to him
You must face alone
The God-Man
Do not be Uncle Andrew
Do not choose the roar
The song is sweeter
I dare say, more true
For all Lions roar
Only One sings

Paralyzed by Circles
You know the rut you walk

Il Migglior Fabbro
Better Craftsmen
I cannot make you craft again
Nor put your “new” craft to mend
New Ideas-Old Heresies
Chaff to be burned
Call now, on the Spirit then
For you cannot craft alone
I have not crafted alone

Il Migglior Fabbro
Better Craftsmen
You cannot make you craft again
Nor try “new” crafting
It must go in the garbage bin
Il Migglior Fabbro
Better Craftsmen
My friend